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Thoughts and observations of an Enneagram Type 7 INFP Beatles fan. I prefer baths to showers, late nights to early mornings, cats to dogs, and Mary Ann.
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Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Emily's questions are getting harder all the time. One of her favorites right now is, "Daddy, I want to ask you sumpthing, OK? - is [this or that person or thing] really real, I mean really?" Like the other day, I showed her an article about Steve Burns, ![]() She's very into a couple of Christmas books about the birth of the baby Jesus, and she asked me if Jesus was really a king when he grew up, and I said yes, but I think she's going to be disappointed when she learns the ending to the story. Then there's the whole Santa thing - hoo boy. At least we haven't kept her in the dark about where meat comes from.
Monday, August 04, 2003
I had an entertaining conversation with my 4-year old daughter and her 4-year old friend yesterday. It occurred to me that in order to have an engaging story with a strong plot, it helps if you have a bad guy. ![]() So... where would Dubbya be without Saddam? He tried to work his white-cowboy-hat hoo-doo using Osama bin Laden, but when he realized the improbability of successfully tracking him down, he had to shift the embodiment-of-evil a little ways down the axis to land on Mr. Hussein. Now, I'm not saying the guy isn't evil. I'm not even saying he doesn't deserve to die. I'm saying I don't like our new big-stick foreign policy, and I don't approve of the way the sons were handled - I find it hard to believe that there couldn't have been a better opportunity to take them alive and take them to justice. On a related note, here's a good article from The Guardian U.K. called America Is a Religion.
On an unrelated and lighter note, here's a fairly convincing argument that Paul really is dead.
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