Naked@The Beatles.comWell, this caught my eye in Sunday’s Target ad – The Beatles are releasing a new version of Let It Be without the overproduced schlock that Phil Specter added. Interesting.

I heard Don’t Let Me Down on the radio this morning on the way in to work, and it sounded great.

There’s lots more good stuff to play with at, including brief samples of all the songs.

Guinness for Strength!

Ah, it just keeps getting better. I’ve been a big fan of Guinness Extra Stout Ale for a long time, and now it’s official – Guinness really is good for you!

Cool Signature, huh?I followed a link today to something called The Best Album Covers that Never Were, or something like that, and it was mildly interesting, but I got excited to see that my favorite fiction author, Kurt Vonnegut, had submitted an entry for Phish. He also has limited edition prints of some of his other art for sale on his website.