Well, I did add the little blurb about Gooblek over in the sidebar, and rearranged things a bit, but after reviewing my site log, I’ve decided that I can’t be held responsible for what people put into search engines. One of my more recent visitors was looking for “lawry’s foods” and got a hit because of my article on seasoned salt, MSG, and umami, and I may even have been helpful to them. But I’m not sure what to do about the person who was searching for “poem about asparagus.” Oh what the heck:

In spring when hopeful raindrops fall

Upon my garden plot of clay

Do tiny phallic shoots of green

Poke out their heads as if to play

I cut them down whilst wee they be

And steam and eat them avidly

For all must certainly agree

It makes for funny smelling pee

I hate to admit it, but I’ve been going around trying to get some of the high profile blogmeisters to link to my Gray Davis-to-Arnold morph like some kind of link-whore ingenue, and so far nobody’s interested. Oh well. Tomorrow I’m supposed to answer Five Pointless Questions for John Walkenbach’s J-Walk blog, and that should drive a bunch of poor innocents over here for no good reason.