I had one of those magical moments this morning while I was getting ready for work – I was getting a cup of coffee when I looked out of our kitchen window and saw a Great Blue Heron sitting on top of the privacy screen of our deck. This isn’t him in the picture, but that’s OK, because I looked at a whole bunch of pictures on Google, and you just can’t get the sense that this thing is like 42″ tall. He was bigger than the wild turkeys that have also passed through, and I’m pretty sure that if he’d been inside the kitchen there with me, he could easily have eaten off our counters.
Hey, here’s a neat thing. I’ve discovered that it works great to cook Tater Tots on a piece of aluminum foil on the top rack of my gas grill. I make a little tray and spray it with cooking spray and put the Tots out while the grill is warming up and I’m in making the burgers. They get done just in time to come off with the burgers, you don’t have to heat up the oven or dirty a pan, and I think they come out especially crisp and delicious.